When you are planning your wedding the most important thing to plan is your timeline. All of those amazing photos that you see on Pintrest or The Knot…(or my website hehe) are planned out very skillfully, this ensures that all of those photos you wanted since you were little gets captured. If you don’t plan enough time for each portion of your wedding then some things get rushed or missed. I know this isn’t the most exciting aspect of the wedding day but this is the one thing that can make or break your memories! This sample timeline is based off of a 6pm ceremony timeframe in the summer. This ideal timeline is also based off of a wedding day that includes a first look. 90% of my couples choose to do a first look and you can read more about that option later on. Keep an eye out for a later blog that talks all about the first look. Remember that all wedding days are different and your timeline may differ due to travel times and unique situations. Keep in mind that all wedding days are different so make sure you plan specifically for yours.