Healthy relationships are built on many things but one of the key ingredients to any relationship is trust. Trust is also very important for the relationship you will have with your wedding photographer. When you selected your photographer, there was something special about them that separated them from the rest. Was it the way they took an amazing photo showing off the perfect lighting in their photographs, or how they posed the subjects in the frame making the bride look just like a fairytale princess? You chose your photographer because you knew they would create the most stunning photos for your special day! Don’t forget you hired them because of their expertise and that is something that one should always consider.
First things first, there is an order of importance when it comes to any photo shoot. The most important thing when taking photographs is lighting. Although some light can be created, the best way to get the most beautiful shot is via natural lighting. The kind that only comes from the sun! Suggestions are always acknowledged but if the photographer suggests another idea, it is bound to have something to do with not having adequate lighting. For example in the below image their were a lot of items that are not pleasing for a photograph but the lighting was perfect! So I just had to take a photo, if she wouldn’t have trusted me we wouldn’t have had this beautiful photo.
The second thing that is important is timing. One might think that taking photographs at noon when the sun has had a chance to rise would give the photograph an abundance of light, but oftentimes the middle of the day is one of the worst times of day especially if there is no shady areas on location. Photos during the middle of the day will give you raccoon eyes if you don’t have the proper shading. You want to trust if the photographer advises to take photos later in the day, it will be more beautiful in the end. If we would have taken the below photo in mid day it wouldn’t have looked as magical as it does.
Lastly is location! The location is such an important part of the photographs, as this is the backdrop and what takes up nearly 85% of the picture. I love to encourage my clients to suggest locations that may be considered, but I also will give suggestions of places that may not be considered at all. It’s important to carefully consider your photographer’s suggestions as they have many years of experience and know which places can create the best shot!