It was a beautiful day in Tyler, Texas where I had the privilege of photographing this cute couple. Pam and Charlie recently celebrated seven years of marriage and with one look, anyone can see how much they love each other! Charlie described that the first thing that attracted him to Pam was how beautiful her green eyes were! Charlie began to get around her more, building a friendship and felt an interest so he asked her out on a date, while smiling through the entire conversation. Pam thought he was joking, so she brushed it off. When that day came, Charlie stood in the parking lot waiting for his date, but Pam walked right to her own car and drove off. Although Charlie was a little disappointed, he didn’t give up! The next day he talked to Pam again and she realized that he wasn’t joking! And they finally went on that long awaited date and immediately hit it off!
The one thing I loved so much about this couple is how cute they interacted with each other together. They shared the story of how in their first ever photo shoot, the photographer asked them to touch noses and from that day, they still touch like to touch noses in every photo shoot! I was happy to oblige and create this special moment that means so much to them both! Congrats Pam and Charlie!