Something that I have always been afraid of ever since I was a kid is heights! Almost any kind of height scares me, the second story of the mall scares me. Funny, isn’t it? Well guess what, I have stepped closer to overcoming that fear. My friend and I went rock climbing, I’ve tried to rock climb several times but every time I could only get to about the second or third step because I knew the only thing holding me up is my own strength (and a tiny plastic rock). I went there determined to at least get to the top once. I first went only a few steps up and got too scared that I had to go back down. I knew I couldn’t stop there though, I came all this way, paid money for it, why should I let my mind stop me? So I tried again and made it! I actually ended up doing it several times! I kept doing harder levels, this was a big accomplishment! Overcoming my fear of heights is HUGE! I could never do anything like this before. I also had the support of my amazing friend that kept encouraging me to keep going. She’s afraid of high heights as well but we kept encouraging one another. Without the support of friends and family I wouldn’t be where I am today, not only does it help in situations like these but it also helps in real life situations. I’m so glad that I have a wonderful support group!
Check out the two videos below, me and my friend raced in the second one. Find out who won.
Climbing to the top video: Rock Climbing
Race between friends video: Race to the Top