While I was in Texas I got to see this precious bundle of joy! My niece Isabella (Bella) Sophia was born last Monday April 3, 2017, she was 8lbs 9oz. It was absolutely perfect timing for me to be out there! The wedding I photographed was that Saturday and she was born the Monday before, everything couldn’t have worked out better!! She is such a sweet baby that doesn’t really cry, she lets you move her where ever and how ever you want her to go. She loves for you to hold her close and she lets you know by her gentle smile. She also enjoys hearing you talk to her in a loving voice, that is when you really get to see those gums show. I didn’t know I would fall in love with her so quickly! I wish I could see her all the time but hopefully I will get to visit out there again soon. Tia Holly loves you Bella!
This is one of the smiles I was talking about when you talk to her in a sweet voice.
Her daddy loves her! (My brother)
Look at that little hand!
Nancy looks so beautiful holding her.
I gave my brother the camera to take a photo of me and Bella. I think he did a pretty good job. The shirt says Aunty loves me.
The happy family.
See, look at that smile. I just can’t get enough of it!
B for Bella.
Daddy, you better watch out. She’s a cutie but she’s going to be a beauty.