Attention all photographers, moms, and anyone who loves to be organized! When I found out that I won this amazing purse I was shocked! I win things every once and a while but this was totally out of no where. It is the best feeling when you get something unexpected. I wanted to share how cool this purse is and how its not only amazing for photographers but also for moms or anyone who wants an organized purse.
This purse can be used in multiple ways for multiple reasons. First there is this attachable purse that goes right on the front of the main purse like a pocket but you can detach it and use it like a small purse to hang over your shoulder if you don’t want to carry around the entire purse all day. The main part of the purse is very cool with all kinds of slots inside to keep your lenses separated so they don’t bang together and get damaged. I can see this being useful to anyone who wants to keep things separated and organized. It is light weight and easy to carry, the handles are strong so they will not brake easily. Not only all of those things but it is very stylish and no one will ever know that I am carrying all of my expensive equipment around. It is nice that I can hide my equipment inside so that it is less likely to have someone try to steal it especially since the holidays are coming. The purse is made by Kelly Moore if you are looking to get one as well. I love this purse and plan to use it all the time! Thank you for the amazing gift Kelly Moore!
There are so many spacers which is great for the work I do.
I didn’t take a photo of it on the actual front of the purse but here is a photo of both parts of the purse.