A few weeks ago, it was such a treat to spend some time with my oldest brother, Jeremy and his family that were visiting from their home state of Texas. Spending time with all of our family reminded me of how my personal relationships with each person in my family has grown and developed and how I’m so privileged to have amazing people to surround my life with.
My mom Cindy has been that one person who is always there for me. Over the years she has always supported her children no matter how difficult things became and she never lets it show but always has a smile on her face. That example has taught me so much! She has added so much to me as a young woman growing up, core values that can never be replaced.
Nancy, is my brother Jeremy’s wife and an awesome sister-in-law! She has an amazing story and is so sweet to my brother and their first born daughter, Bella. I couldn’t imagine anyone more perfect for my big bro!
Growing up as the only girl, I use to fight with my brothers constantly but in the end I always knew that they would always be there for me. Today as I look back at our relationship, I realize how much we have grown and how strong our bond as siblings has become and now we are all really great friends! Although Jeremy lives many miles away in Texas and we don’t get to see each other that often, the connection is still there!
Sheila! Well, for the record.. We were friends before she started dating my brother Mike and it was so sweet how she treasured our friendship so much that she asked me if she could start dating my brother. My response? “You are the only one that I would want to date him, because you’re awesome!” They dated for many years and I was so happy to get to call her my sister after they got married. And since then, our friendship has only grown stronger!
I couldn’t resist taking photos, a photographer never can. Here are is a behind the scene of Earl taking photos. They were trying to get Bella’s attention, it looks like she was looking at mama and daddy.
And lastly, there’s Bella. Now I know everyone says that their nephew or niece is the cutest, but I really think Bella is so beautiful!! She has grown so much since my last blog post. She has now learned how to high five and she is now standing up! (but only if she leans on something) She is the happiest little baby you will ever meet, always smiling and full of joy!!
All within a few seconds it went from a super sweet moment…
…to a super funny moment. It was so funny when she bit his nose.
Love candid moments.