The beautiful Texas weather was perfect for this exquisite wedding on Saturday, everything was absolutely gorgeous. Betsie knew that she wanted to marry Semein long before he even asked, she told me about the sweet things that he would do for her like buy her flowers for no particular reason and how they have such a great and humorous friendship. There was nonstop laughter the entire day. During the ceremony when Semein was asked if he would fulfill the vows of marriage, he paused in a Semein way for a moment and slowly leaned over to the microphone and said in his deep voice “I Do” in a very comical way. We were all laughing, I think you might have had to be there to see it to understand.
There is always something new to learn especially when going out of state to photograph a wedding, Louisiana I learned about humidity fogging up the camera and Texas I learned the hard way of how to stay away from fire ants. While photographing the groomsmen little did I know I was standing in a pile of fire ants, I knew my feet started to hurt but I didn’t know they were all over my feet bitting me. Once I looked down I found out the reason why my feet were in pain and I quickly wiped them off. Well, I won’t do that again. I always love it when I get to travel out of the state to capture the beginning of two peoples lives becoming one.
I am so happy for you two! Congratulations once again!
Special Thanks to: Venue – Church at Tyler * Make Up: Alyssa Watson & Sulem Chavez * Hair: LouAnn Pilgrim * Cake: Village Bakery * Decoration & Florist: Elena Carter * Photography: Holly D Photography